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Programs & Services

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We’re Here To Help
Call (714) 441-3401 or
Call/Text/WhatsApp (714) 714-1416 To Schedule An Appointment

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The CSUF Center for Healthy Neighborhoods offers a wide range of education and health services designed to improve your overall well-being. Programs and services are provided by an interdisciplinary team of students, faculty, and staff who understand the norms and values of diverse cultures. All services are offered in English and Spanish and at no cost. Currently, we offer:

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Academic Success Program
The Academic Success Program provides a variety of after-school tutoring and mentoring activities for grades kindergarten through high school.

Case Management & Referrals
Need help finding resources or services in your community? We can help with referrals to Mental Health, Food Pantries, Employment, Health Care, and Education.

Coffee with a Nurse

Join us for a cup of coffee with nurses! Learn about your health through virtual health workshops. Topics include diabetes prevention & management, COVID-19 education, mental health, chronic disease prevention & management and much more!

Baby Development Class 

Learn how to interact and play with your baby! This class offers free developmental baby assessments, nutrition, and activity advice for parents of babies 0-24 months of age. 

Community Meeting

Strengthen your community by connecting with your neighbors, local leaders, and fellow residents. Learn about resources and direct referrals to services like housing, health care, education, employment, and parenting. Email us to join our group. We meet every second Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Adult Zumba

Perfect for all fitness levels, this fun dance workout enhances overall well-being. Join us for one-hour every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

In Addition, Our Partners

include local community-based organizations, educational institutions, healthcare providers, civic groups, and private sector companies. Each partner plays a vital role in achieving our mission, whether by providing funding, sharing resources, offering expertise, or collaborating on innovative programs and services tailored to the needs of our community such as:

  • California State University Fullerton
    • School of Nursing: “Cafecito with Nurses”
    • Department of Literacy and Reading: Summer Camp
    • Department of Kinesiology: “Baby Development Class” monthly
    • Department of Public Health: “Move, Nourish and Thrive”
  • Providence-St. Jude Move More and Eat Healthy
    • Monthly cooking class demonstrations
  • City of Fullerton Parks and Recreation
    • Monthly educational field trips
  • City of Fullerton Fire Department
  • City of Fullerton Police Department










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For more information about these and other programs call us at (714) 441-3401 or via WhatsApp at (714) 714-1416.

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Hours: 9am - 5pm
Office: (714) 441-3401
Call/Text/WhatsApp: (714) 714-1416

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